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PAC - Marbled butterfly family 44x44cm (17.5 x17_edited.jpg

ALVARO and CAROLINE PAC collaboration

Origami Art

Caroline Preston and Alvaro Petritoli spent a few days together at the Art Movement's home in London, creating grounds made in ink and collaborating on ideas.  Caroline went back to her studio in Devon and folded the papers that were made that day and previously by Alvaro, after he carefully selected 'grounds' from his own studio collection for this project. 


The result is this beautiful, unique body of work, collaboratively named 'PAC'.  These artists live at opposite ends of the country, so rarely meet!  The artworks give us time to reflect on our delicate ecosystem, the darkness and mystery of the forest and the precious wildlife that exists there. 

+44 (0) 7973 692 494

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